Our dedicated, friendly, professional personnel are ready to answer any product inquiries or service issues.
Our buyers attend different European Trade Shows several times a year.
We work with our mills on a continual basis, developing special designs & qualities adaptable to the North-American Market in order to create uniqueness in color decos and patterns.
Our Operation
We maintain a fully integrated IT system of inventory management enabling quick response on cloth availabilities.
Our complete collection can be viewed online (Visit our Fabric Gallery).
Cancellation Lists are available online and are updated daily
We are members of the association of the “Custom Tailors & Designers of America” (CTDA) and we exhibit at Trade Shows twice per year.
Our Services
Orders are accepted via telephone, email, and fax
Immediate response to client inquiries and confirmation of orders whether by email, fax or telephone.
Next-Day delivery on confirmation of order
Serving clients in Canada & U.S.A. only
Payment terms: Amex, Visa, & Mastercard
Service offered in Italian, English and French
Our Clientele
Very selective Clientele
Longstanding Members
Our clients range from Retail, Specialty Shops, Direct Sellers, Custom Tailors and Shirt Makers and Film Production Houses in U.S.A. & Canada